Makin' Changes

Actually completing a hill running workout
(on a treadmill since hills don't exist in SoFla)
      It's 2014 and I haven't made a blog post for a really, really long time.  Why? because I was frustrated and angry.  Even since I started competing in Triathlon in 2009, I have trained myself.  And for the first few years, I did pretty well and placed towards the top of my age group in every race.  But then school ended and I got smacked in the face by the horrors of bar study, followed by unemployment, followed by life as an entry-level associate at a very, very, very busy law firm.  As a result, I plateaued in training (see almost all posts from 2013 for clarification).  It was really hard to juggle training with 'real life.'  But, as I've now been at my firm for almost 2yrs (I CAN'T BELIEVE IT HAS BEEN THAT LONG ALREADY), I finally had the chance to sit back, relax, and think about what the hell I was going to do to change things up this season.

And then, I hired a coach.

    I figure, although I did a pretty decent job training myself the last few years, I was having a hard time changing my training each year to actually be able to make myself faster.  As a swimmer, I have always pretty much used the "the more you train, the faster you get" approach to everything.  But, this approach is pretty hard to maintain with a full-time job.  All that wound up happening is that I would get overly-tired, angry, and/or injured.  So, I looked around and contacted a professional coach for some guidance.

My 3rd place overall 5K 'medal'
    I've been training under my new coach for the last 2 months or so and I feel stronger than ever. I even managed to get 3rd place overall at some random 5k I chose (okay, my coach chose) for me to do last month.  Not gonna lie, I really needed somebody to force me to do my running workouts. Because if it were up to me, I'd choose to spend all my training time in the pool or on the bike trainer watching SVU re-runs.

    So stay tuned for what is sure to be a very interesting season....and here is to hoping for some sweet PRs!