RACE REPORT: 2013 Fort Lauderdale USMS Masters Challenge

    Last weekend I had a 3-day SCY swim meet at my home pool at the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex (Swimming Hall of Fame) in Fort Lauderdale, FL. I signed up for every freestyle event (minus the 50) and the 400 and 200 IMs. Although it sounds like A LOT of swimming, spread out over 3 days, it was not actually that difficult of a schedule. HOWEVER, little did I know the temperature would drop Thursday night and remain in the 50s with a strong wind and little-to-no sun (brrrrrr) over the weekend. Now, 50 degrees might not sound all too terrible to you northern folk. But, standing around on a pool deck, soaked, getting slammed by the wind coming right off the ocean, while trying to stay loose and warm for competition, is NOT the most pleasant of racing conditions. Nevertheless, it was a somewhat successful event overall as I was able to post some quality times regardless of the weather, my tri training exhaustion, and my cruddy flip turns.

Friday Night:
1000 Freestyle: 12:32.24 (note: I wound up beating this time in my 1000 split from my 1650 on Sunday Morning)
400 IM: 5:25.93 (not to shabby for never really swimming stroke)

100 Freestyle: 1:01.04

500 Freestyle: 6:01.68

1650 Freestyle (aka “The Mile”): 20:33.96 (I was pretty pleased both with my overall time and my individual 100 splits. For the most part, I consistently paced the race holding between 1:14-1:60 per 100 and was able to beat my Friday Night 1000 Free time by about 4 seconds. This says great things are to come in my upcoming Distance triathlon events!)

200 IM: 2:34.16

200 Freestyle: 2:14.97 (By this time I was pretty spent from the weekend. Not the best 200 time in the world. But, I got to take a super hot shower afterwards…so who really cares)

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