I am NOT The biggest fan of 5K races. Yes, I know that a 3 mile run is shorter than most my warm-ups. But, I’m an endurance athlete. And as such, I can hold a moderate-to-fast pace for an extended amount of time. But ask me to go “all out” for 20 minutes…and I struggle. My body just doesn’t have that quick turnover sprinting ability. And no, I’m not upset about it. I used to be a little angry back in college when all the sprint swimmers would be done with their workout, changed, and on their way to the all-you-can-eat dining hall while I was still doing repeat 500s. But, I’m over it now. I’m a distance athlete. I enjoy pain for hours on end…hence my desire to do an Ironman.

Getting my 1st place AG award
But nevertheless, even us endurance athletes have to do a 5K every once in a while. This particular 5K was put on by the Cuban American Bar Association (CABA) Pro Bono Project here in Miami. Although I initially heard about the race, called “Lawyers on the Run,” from one of my training buddies, I soon discovered that one of my new co-workers, Jason Silver, was on the CABA board. So, as one of the only athletes in the office, I decided that I’d register for the race to support my new law firm and my co-worker.

With over 300 people registered, I didn’t know how tough the field would be. And, since I’ve only been training endurance for Ironman NYC, I didn’t know how fast I would even be able to get my legs to move. Honestly, my goal was just not to embarrass myself. But, all in all, it was a really successful race…both for myself and for the sponsoring organization. I wound up finishing the race with a time of 21.17 coming in first in my age group, the second overall female, and fifteenth overall for both men and women. I would like to note that the woman who won the race was incredibly fast and also not a lawyer. So, I definitely take great pride in being the first woman to cross the finish line who has a career that doesn’t exactly compliment intense physical training.

My award hanging on the wall in my office
The event itself was a great networking opportunity as well. And, there were also many sponsors there to provide us with cafecito, yogurt (although my tender stomach can’t handle dairy post-race), and most importantly…post race BEER. Message to CABA: no matter what time of the day or how long the race, athletes always love a post-race beer tent. So good job! 

So, in all, I’m very happy with my overall performance…regardless of the fact that it hurt A LOT! And, I’m also glad that I could be a good representative for both my co-worker and my new law firm. Because sometimes racing isn’t just about the individual performance. Sometimes a good finish time is just as important as what brought you there in the first place. ..the desire to support a good cause while being a being a great team representative.

Admittedly though, a great finishing time is pretty nice too…

CLICK HERE to view the official race results.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job. Congrats!!! Apparently you do have some speed :)
