Picture Perfect

     The big race is quickly approaching..Ironman NYC is just THREE WEEKS AWAY! My body is completely exhausted from all the training/work/lack of sleep. But, it will all be over before I know it. I’ve been training for the ‘big day’ for about 5 months now prepping endlessly for the straight 2.4 mile swim, 6plus hour hilly bike, and the sure-to-be exhausting marathon run. But, there is one, all important thing that I haven’t yet prepped for…the finish.

     Barring any major problems and in trying to stay mentally positive, I’ve been thinking endlessly about what it will be like to transcend down that final chute towards the giant Ironman finish line archway. Since this is my first full Ironman, I know that I will forever look back and remember that moment when my toe finally reaches 140.61 miles. I want that image, both the everlasting mental image and the one Ironman will sell to me for an insanely high price, to be perfect.

"The Exhale"
     So, in an attempt to make that final image perfect, I’ve been thinking about my many different finish line pose options. Think of it as my final last minute prep for the final last minute of the race. And who knows which one I will chose or which one, god forbid, just ‘happens.’ But I’m sure it will be a fantastic, truly memorable experience all the same.

Option 1: 
The Exhale:
Where I hold my breath, sprint (as much as I could even sprint at that point) towards the finish line, take a single leap over the line, stop, and let out a very deep exhale as a sigh of relief of finally making it.

Picture-Perfect Scale Factor:
(Nobody looks attractive with their mouth wide open blowing air out; however, it’s one of the better options for a more-exhausted finish)

Option 2:
The Stumble: 
Where I’m so overly-exhausted that I stumble, zigzagging and dragging my body over the line. 

Picture-Perfect Scale Factor: 
(Not very attractive, but at least I’m not dead)

Option 3:
The Collapse: 
 Where I collapse to the ground (unintentionally) as I topple over the finish line.

Picture-Perfect Scale Factor: 
(However, the Dramatic Factor is super high and possibly a more viable option than an ugly photo)

Option 4: 
The Phelps: 
where I run across the finish with a big smile and arms extended out to the side as though I’m about to give the finish line a giant bear hug)

Picture-Perfect Scale Factor:

(a smile is always great in a photo and would be relatively easy to execute)

Option 5:
The Heal Click: 
Where I jump up in the air clicking my heals together as I cross the line.

Picture-Perfect Scale Factor: 
(though jumping after 140.6 miles would not be very easy and my calves would probably cramp. I was also not born a Leprechaun so my clumsiness would make this extremely difficult to execute properly without the risk of falling flat on my face).

Option 6:
The Tebow: 
I get down on one knee and pray about how happy I am to finally be done

Picture-Perfect Scale Factor: 
(I’m from the U…enough said).



  1. Nice blog! I just started training with the intention to run a HIM in 2013 and Full IM in 2014, so I'll enjoy reading about your experience! I'm blogging about it at projectiron.blogspot.com

  2. Awesome I'll def check it out!
