GEAR REVIEW: W Series Sony Walkman

My well-used Sony Walkman
    First off, I'll flat out admit that last year I was sponsored by Sony Walkman and through my sponsorship received 2 MP3 players and some clothing swag.  That being said, I want you to disregard the fact that I was previously sponsored by Sony.  It doesn't really matter HOW I was introduced to the new Sony only matters that even after my sponsorship ended, it's still one of my favorite pieces of training equipment.

    I didn't always do run workouts with music for a variety of reasons.  Since I can't use headphones in a triathlon, I like to get myself used to running without them.  Also, I sometimes find that music makes even the shortest runs feel lengthy.  Since each song is about 3mins long, it's depressing when I have to go through a whole album just to complete a 5 miler.  If I'm out on a long run, it's extremely hard to mentally handle the fact that I've listened to an entire album and still have about 2hrs of running left.

    With the added pain of having to either carry an MP3 player or strap one to my body somehow, I used to favor not bringing one out with me.  Not to mention the fact that I have a complete inability to remember to charge the player the night before.

    But, the new Sony Walkman completely changed my view on running with music.  The player is completely hands free, nearly water-proof, quick-charging, and the ear buds never get painful.  That's why, for those who love to run with music (and even for those who just want it sometimes) the Sony Walkman should be the next workout item you purchase.

The Item:
Simple to use system
Sony's W Series Walkman MP3 Player

The Claim: 
The perfect workout partner- quick-charging, water resistant, and wire-free.

My Initial Reaction:
    I was nervous at first that the player would fall off my head once I started to sweat...NOT TRUE.  The player is extremely comfortable and, since it comes with different sized ear-buds, the ear pieces almost never fall out no matter how much you sweat.  I've had them fall out only a handful of times in the middle of summer towards the end of a workout when I'm sweating profusely.  But, as compared with all other ear-buds I've previously used, these stay in far longer.
    Sony claims that the Walkman is quick-charging. Because I'm somebody who ALWAYS forgets to charge my player, this quality is extremely important. And their claim is accurate. You get about an hour-and-a-half of batter life after just THREE MINUTES of charging! Yes, you heard that right! So, if I forget to charge the Walkman prior to my run, I just plug it in while I put on my sneakers or hit the bathroom one last time.  Additionally, I find that the battery life is so long that you can get in several workouts before you need to re-charge the device.  The only down side? I go so long between charges that my player sometimes dies mid-run because I hadn't charged it in WEEKS and forgot about it.
   The company also states that the device is water-resistant and not water-proof.  Although let me tell you, this is about as close to water-proof as you can get.  I wouldn't suggest that you jump in the pool with it, but I HAVE taken many a shower with the device (usually when there was a good song coming on right at the end of my run).  If the device can withstand heavy shower water and shampoo, I'd personally call it water-proof.

My Opinion Now:
I still love the device and it's the only MP3 player I will probably ever use now.  The buttons are relatively easy to hit while running and once you learn where all the buttons are (don't worry there is only a handful of them) you can switch between songs and volume without much thought.
Also, since there is no player for you to have to carry and no wires to get in your way, you can maintain your running form without anything getting in the way. And if it rains? Well then I'm the only person out there not scrambling for cover in fear that my MP3 player or phone will be ruined.

The Price Tag: 
A great bargain at between $59 and $79 depending on the amount of memory you want

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