If you truly understand me, you'll let me be annoying...

My Ironman 70.3 is coming up next month in Haines City (you don't know where that is because it's in the middle of 'Hicksville' Florida).  I'm super excited for the race because I've been feeling incredible in all of my workouts and am ready to see how far I can push myself on the bike leg.

I did the race last year when it was at Disney and before the course went under construction.  It was my first Half-Ironman distance race and I was so happy to have had my boyfriend, Craig there to cheer me on.  There were three run loops and I think the only thing that got me through each one was knowing that I'd be able to see him as I passed back by transition each loop. The entire way, I kept thinking about how I had commented to him the day before on how much I wanted this Ironman Teddy Bear from the Ironman gift shop.  I had a feeling, for some reason, that he might be standing at the finish line with it for me. And, sure enough, as I finished the third loop and came through the tunnel towards the finish, I saw him standing there with that Teddy in his hands. It was great to have the support there with me that day. I really needed it.

iPhone pic Craig took at 2011 IM 70.3 Miami
Unfortunately Craig can't come with me to the race this year because it happens to be on the same day as his younger sister's College graduation (congrats on making it through Sammi!). I'm disaappinted that Craig won't be with me for this race, but there's nothing that I can really do about it. At least I'm fortunate enough to have a few of my training buddies and one law school friend competing in the race with me. But, it's just not the same as having a friendly face by the sidelines to keep me motivated and to have a loving boyfriend, armed with a Teddy, there to greet me at the finish.

Yesterday, my mother (who still lives in Massachusetts) mentioned that she might look into plane flights down here so that she could come to the race with me. I immediately snapped at her "No Way!"

I absolutely love having my parents at my races cheering me on. And they've been suffering through many of my swim meets, and now triathlons, since I was five years old.  But coming to cheer me on is one thing...having them with me while I nervously complete all my pre-race rituals the day before is another thing.

I admit it, I am a major nervous wreck and annoying b**** the day before a major race (or pretty much before any major live event for that matter.)  I am jittery.  I am scared.  I am a monsoon of short-tempered anxiousness.  Craig (my boyfriend) has come to learn this about me and has now perfected the art of staying the f*** out of my way the day before a race.  I get nervous and I snap at people.  I get anxious that I won't make it there on time and constantly heckle him about how fast we're driving.  Last year, I started off by driving and was shaking so much that Craig forced me into the passenger seat at the very first gas station we passed.

The size of the event usually determines the level and length of my angered mood (noted in the chart below).  And, the stress of a 70.3 generally falls somewhere between a Law School Final Exam and the Bar Exam.

Craig, with much learned experience, now knows that the day before a race I need ultimately to be left alone.  I'm annoying and I can be mean, But he knows that it's all just nervousness finally bubbling to the surface.  And come tomorrow, he knows that I will be back to my old self.

So why did I snap at my mother in that way? Craig and I now have a mutual understanding the day before a race.  If I want to stare at a wall nervous for an hour...he lets me.  If I snap at him about not giving me preference to the bathroom...he is quiet and lets me by.  And, come race morning, I wake up alone to prep my things as he silently gets changed.  He quietly walks me to the car where we then ride to the race site in complete tranquility.  It's a pre-race ritual that has now been perfected.

IronTeddy (my only 70.3 FL race supporter this year)
My parents, however, have never truly experienced this monsoon of race nervousness first-hand.  They've seen it in waves previously during my swim career.  But, they've never seen what a horrible mess I can be before a race of this magnitude.  And, I'm not so sure that either them or me could handle it.

So, I'm sorry mom.  Although I'd love to have you by my side to support me, my pre-race rituals are a journey that I know only experienced individuals, like Craig, are capable of suffering through.  So, mom, if you truly understand me, you let me be annoying.  Besides, it's not a situation that you'd willing want to put yourself in anyways...

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