You might be a swimmer if....

    So my good friend over at the blog Swim. Bike. Run. 3ndurance (which you should definitely check out) made a post yesterday enititled "You might be a runner if..." as an ode to the website/twitter feed of Running in the USA.
    I've never considered myself a "true runner."  Yes, I technically ran Cross Country for a while in high school.  However, I wasn't very good and didn't really improve at it until I found the sport of Triathlon.
     But, since I felt inspired by the post, I decided to write my very own ode to the sport I still love so dearly (Swimming). Please feel free to add your own about whatever sport if you feel inspired too! (Especially if you've got any for Triathlon!!!)

You might be a swimmer wear the same clothing for days in a row because you spend so little time in them that they're technically not 'dirty'.

You might be a swimmer have split ends...on your legs!

You might be a swimmer have a permanent tan line going across your forehead.

You might be a swimmer if...there are wet towels hanging over every door in your house.

You might be a swimmer don't recognize half your friends with their clothes on.

You might be a swimmer find yourself ordering youth sized swim suits just to make sure they'll be tight enough.

You might be a swimmer can't remember the last time you took a shower because you never feel that you 'need to'


You might be a swimmer if...all you ever talk about is Swimming.

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